
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

[입트영] Waking up early - 2024.4.16
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 29. 13:38

EBS 입이 트이는 영어2024.4.16 Waking up early    Waking up early 본문Before I had a child, I slept a lot. It wasn't a big deal since I only had to take care of myself. I could sleep to my heart's content and still have plenty of time to do what I wanted to do. But after giving birth, especially during the early infant stage when our baby needed a lot of attention from her mother, I couldn't have any time..

[입트영] Views on Life - 2024.4.15
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 29. 13:03

EBS 입이 트이는 영어2024.4.15 Views on Life   Views on Life 본문Living into my 40s, I've gained a different perspective that I hadn't seen before. In my 20s, I only cared about my own life. I did not concern myself with the lives or pains of others. In my 30s, I had my hands full, juggling marriage, parenting, and career all at once. Now in my 40s, I have begun to see glimpses of other people's lives. If..

[입트영] Daily Topics on "입트영" - 2024.4.12
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 26. 21:04

EBS 입이 트이는 영어2024.4.12 Daily Topics on "입트영"   Daily Topics on "입트영" 본문After going through various English content over the course of many years, I finally settled on 입트영. I participate in an English study group that starts every day at 5:30 A.M. We read the script for the day and take time to share our responses. I currently live in Shanghai, China, so it's 4:30 A.M. local time when we begin. O..

[입트영] Neologism - 2024.4.11
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 24. 22:14

EBS 입이 트이는 영어2024.4.11 Neologism    Neologism 본문Many newly coined words have emerged recently that are not immediately understandable. They often require deciphering their meaning, like solving a quiz. Sometimes there is a sense of satisfaction when you correctly guess the meaning of a particular neologism. Generally, neologisms are often created by mixing together English and Korean, or ..

[입트영] The Transformer Algorithm and English Studies - 2024.4.10
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 24. 21:53

EBS 입이 트이는 영어2024.4.11 The Transformer Algorithm and English Studies    The Transformer Algorithm and English Studies 본문ChatGPT is an AI chatbot based on a pre-trained generative natural language processing system. The technology used here is the Transformer algorithm, developed by Google in 2017. This Transformer algorithm is remarkably similar to the conversational style we humans use. ..

[입트영] Increased Utility Fees - 2024.4.9
스터디/영어 2024. 4. 19. 17:07

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2024.4.9 Increased Utility Fees Increased Utility Fees 본문 It was recently decided that electricity and gas bills were each be increased by about 5 percent. Despite a steady rise in global energy prices, these increases were not reflected in utility fees. This led to increased operating losses for related companies, providing the backdrop for the higher fees. However, the rate hike ..
