
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

[입트영] The important of Self-esteem - 2024.3.12
스터디/영어 2024. 3. 17. 20:57

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2024.3.12 The important of Self-esteem The important of Self-esteem 본문 Self-esteem is a crucial asset as we navigate through life. It is a sense of dignity and self-respect that serves as a driving force for life. I don't think I have a particularly high level of self-esteem. I doubted myself and lost confidence in certain situation even in fields that I'm familiar with and skilled..

[입트영] Air Conditioners - 2024.3.11
스터디/영어 2024. 3. 16. 22:30

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2024.3.11 Air Conditioners Air Conditioners 본문 My room was not getting cooled properly because it was a bit far from the floor-standing air conditioner in the living room. It would be a bit challenging to install a wall-mounted air conditioner in my room because they require outdoor unit. Meanwhile, a system air conditioner in the ceiling was out of the question becase it would be ..

[입트영] Online Comments - 2024.3.8
스터디/영어 2024. 3. 15. 20:19

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2024.3.8 Online Comments Online Comments 본문 The literal meaning of an online comment is a short response to the original content of a post on the Internet. In modern society, comments have become a genre of their own, used to express various opinions. What’s more you can often find a great play on words any witty comment. An online comment can either hurt the author’s feelings or b..

[입트영] What's in my bag? - 2024.3.7
스터디/영어 2024. 3. 13. 22:39

EBS 입이 트이는 영어 2024.3.7 What's in my bag? What's in my bag? 본문 There was once a YouTube trend where people introduced the items they carries in their bags. The bags came in all shapes and sizes, depending on a person's profession, age, and situation in life. Natually, the items they carried around were also diverse, which is what made the content so interesting. Taking a look inside someone's bag..
