Easy English 2019.8.7 (1 Sentence) I can't decide what to keep and what to toss. 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 7일의 대화문입니다. Why have you saved all of these? Because I thought it might need them someday. You know just in case. I can't decide what to keep and what to toss. Have you use this item in the past year? No. I didn't even know that was there. Then let it go. -추가 표현 You never know. (3 Words) toss: 던지다 p..
Easy English 2019.8.6 (1 Sentence) If it fits and you like it, hang it back up. 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 6일의 대화문입니다. First, try on everything in this closet. If it fits and you like it hang it back up. Otherwise? Then put them in this donation box. This dress looks out of style. But I paid lots of money for it. Don't try to hold on to clothes you don't wear anymore. Yeah. This dress is getting older and..
Easy English 2019.8.5 (1 Sentence) So, what do I have to do first? 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 5일의 대화문입니다. What should I do with all the stuff? I think I am one of those hoarders. You kno what? You are richer than you think. Because you have clutter. It's time to share your abundance. Okay. That's a good way to see it. So, what do I have to do first? -추가 문장 When you put it that way. (3 Words) hoarder: 저장강박..
Easy English 2019.8.2 (1 Sentence) Isn't it that you missed the bus? 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 2일의 대화문입니다. Are you ready for school? Yes mom. I'm off to school. The school bus didn't show up. What? Isn't it that you missed the bus? I don't know. I waited for ten minutes. Will you take me? You should've left home earlier. You have no choice but to walk to school. (3 Words) show up: 나타나다 fatal: 치명적인 aching..
Easy English 2019.8.1 Oh, no! You're soaked. 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 1일의 대화문입니다. Mom, I'm home. Oh, no! You're soaked. Take off your wet clothes and change into dry clothes. Okay, mom. Where should I leave my wet clothes? In the basket next to the washer. Do not leave your socks and pants inside out. Alright. I won't. inside out: 뒤집어 soak: 흠뻑 젖다 change into: ~ 갈아 입다.
영어 마스터 프로젝트 - 매일 1개의 영어 문장과 3개의 영어 단어를 외우기 1S3W - One Sentence three words 1 Sentence Isn't it that you missed the the bus? -버스 놓친거 아니야? 3 Words -show up : 나타나다 -fatal : 치명적인 -aching : 쑤시는 아픈 2019.08.06