Easy English 2019.8.1 Oh, no! You're soaked. 이지 잉글리쉬 2019년 8월 1일의 대화문입니다. Mom, I'm home. Oh, no! You're soaked. Take off your wet clothes and change into dry clothes. Okay, mom. Where should I leave my wet clothes? In the basket next to the washer. Do not leave your socks and pants inside out. Alright. I won't. inside out: 뒤집어 soak: 흠뻑 젖다 change into: ~ 갈아 입다.
Easy English 2018.9.6 I`ve got a crush on someone. 9월 첫째주의 네번째 대화문 입니다. Min you look happier today.You know what a guy said that he likes me.Really? Good for you. So are you going to date him?I'm not sure. He is shy and introverted.I don't know what to talk about with him.Don't opposite are attracted?I am more attracted to someone who is sociable. sociable: 사교적인[ADJ] Sociable people are friendly..
Easy English 2018.9.4 What`s your ideal type? 9월 첫째주의 두번째 대화문 입니다. What is your ideal type?I like someone who pretty, funny, and willing to be immature.And I want to date someone who makes me nervous.By the way how long have you and Min known each other?About 6 years. We worked at the same company.You know what you have a wide smile whenever you talk about her. immature: 미숙한1.[ADJ] Something or ..
Easy English 2018.9.5I`ve got a crush on someone. 9월 첫째주의 세번째 대화문 입니다. So, you didn't like your blind date?No. Sorry but she is not my type.Is there another reason it didn't go well.I think I've got a crush on someone.What? Then you should've told me that.Come on. Tell me about her. What's she like? crush: 홀딱 반함1.[NOUN] [usu sing] A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is diffi..
Easy English 2018.9.3Honestly, I was not even interested. 매일 매일 출퇴근 시간을 이용하여 EBS 라디오의 이지 잉글리시의 대화문을 외우려고 노력 중입니다.이번주는 Jake의 소개팅과 좋아하는 여자에 대한 대화문이 계속 이어집니다. Jake, how was your blind date?It didn't go well. Honestly, I was not even interested.Then why did you have a blind date?I'm attracted to Min. But I don't know how to tell her.What. Just go and confess.What if she rejects me?Come on. Be brave...