"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

[입트영] Patriotism - 2024.6.11

EBS 입이 트이는 영어

2024.6.11 Patriotism



Patriotism 본문

Our son is a 5th grader this year.
Ever since he was about seven years old, he has raised his hand in salute whenever he saw a passing soldier or even when he heard the sound of a fighter jet in the sky.
Our family naturally started attending military-related event on a frequent basis.
In 2021, we were in attendance at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) at Seoul AirField.
Last year we attended the World Military Culture Expo in Gyeryong  City where the headquarters of Republic of Korea Armed Forces is located.
Visiting these various military related events both big and small, provides great opportunities to experience the excellence of our national defense capabilities and to engrave a patriotic spirit deep in our hearts.
Even at a young age, my son seems to recognize that the freedoms and economic prosperity we enjoy today are all thanks to the dedication and sacrifices of our national heroes and the endless efforts of soldiers who resolutely protect our country.



우리 아들은 올해 5학년입니다.
그가 약 일곱 살쯤 되었을 때부터, 지나가는 군인을 볼 때나 하늘에서 전투기 소리를 들을 때마다 경례를 하곤 했습니다.
우리 가족은 자연스럽게 자주 군사 관련 행사에 참석하게 되었습니다.
2021년에는 서울 공항에서 열린 서울 국제 항공우주 및 방위 산업 전시회(ADEX)에 참석했습니다.
작년에는 대한민국 국군 본부가 위치한 계룡시에서 열린 세계 군사 문화 엑스포에 참석했습니다.
이 크고 작은 다양한 군사 관련 행사를 방문하는 것은 우리 국가의 국방 능력의 우수성을 경험하고 우리의 마음 깊숙이 애국심을 새길 수 있는 훌륭한 기회를 제공합니다.
어린 나이에도 불구하고, 우리 아들은 우리가 오늘날 누리는 자유와 경제적 번영이 우리 국가 영웅들의 헌신과 희생, 그리고 우리나라를 결연히 지키는 군인들의 끊임없는 노력 덕분임을 인식하는 것 같습니다.



Patriotism 대화문

A: Your son is serving in the military, isn't he?
B: Yes. It's been about 5 months since he entered the service.
A: I'm sure he is doing well in his military life.
B: I recently went to visit him on base.
A: Oh, it must have been nice to see him after such a long time.
B: Of course. I brought some goodies for him to share with his squad mates.



A: 아드님이 군 복무 중이시죠, 그렇죠?
B: 네. 입대한 지 약 5개월 정도 되었어요.
A: 군 생활 잘하고 있을 거라 확신해요.
B: 최근에 기지에 있는 아들을 면회 갔어요.
A: 아, 오랜만에 아드님을 보니 정말 좋았겠네요.
B: 물론이죠. 아들이 분대원들과 나눠 먹을 간식을 좀 가져갔어요.



Patriotism 관련 단어

  • fighter jet: 전투기
  • salute: 경례하다, 거수 경례
  • headquarters: 본사
  • engrave: 새기다
  • economic prosperity
  • dedication: 전념, 헌신
  • resolutely: 단호히, 결연히




입이 트이는 영어 오디오 어학당 다시듣기 (6.11 애국심)


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