이지 잉글리쉬 2022년 7월 5일 이지 잉글리쉬 영어 대화 스크립트 Check this out. This place is cool. Wow! This place is huge and very green. It has four types of accommodations. We can stay in a tent or in a cabin. And what is this? What a luxurious camper! See. It's just hard to pick which accommodations stay in. 해석 보기 더보기 이거 봐봐. 이 장소가 아주 좋아 정말! 이 장소가 크고 푸르르네. 네종류의 숙박시설이 있어. 우리는 텐트나 케빈에 묵을 수 있어 그리고 이거는 뭐지? 호화로운 캠핑카구나! 봐..

이지 잉글리쉬 (Easy English) 12월호 - 12/7일자 We go back 20 years. 대화 스크립트 Patrick. Please meet my close friend, Eddie. Hi, Eddie. Nice to meet you. Min and I met a Spanish class. I see. Nice to meet you, too. Patrick. How long have you two been friends? We go back 20 years. Wow, for that long? 단어 정리 - for that long: 그렇게 오래 - go bcak: 알고 지내다

이지 잉글리쉬 (Easy English) 12월호 - 12/3일자 Are you still picking out what to wear? 대화스크립트 Are you still picking out what to wear? I think it's taking longer for you to get dressed. I want to look nice. I guess there is a cute girl at school, right? Yes. I don't know why but I feel weird when I am around her. She is starting to make you uncomfortable? That's a very normal sign, deer. 단어정리 -weird: 기이한, ..

이지 잉글리쉬 (Easy English) 12월호 - 12/2일자 When the puberty usually start? 대화스크립트 When the puberty usually start? He doesn't have pimples yet. For boys it generally start between the ages of eleven and fifteen. But it depends. What ate others signs of puberty? Well, your shoulders will get broader. The most noticeable change for boys is facial hair. 단어정리 -sign : 징후, 조짐 -noticeable : 뚜렷한, 분명한

이지 잉글리쉬 (Easy English) 12월호 - 12/1일자 That is one of the signs puberty. 대화 스크립트 Oh, no. I've got pimples. Congratulations. You're on your way to becoming a man. Why are pimples growing on my face? That is one of the signs puberty. Puberty? Do you think dad when through it, too? Of course. You're are not the only one. 단어 정리 - pimple : 여드름 - puberty: 사춘기 ※ Easy English 방송내용을 들으면서 정리한 스크립트로 실제 스크립트와..